Monday, November 22, 2010

Finding and buying e-books

As an e-book is a book in a digital form. When we think to buy this type of book, we may have to know where to find and buy it. There are some sources that can help you to find e-books more easily.

1. - secure Mobipocket, eReader, PDF formats. Moreover, multiformat books, which are usually non-DRM (Digital Rights Management) books.

2. - is actually powered by Fictionwise. But this is a separate site carrying only eReader/.pdb format.

3. - even through they bought Fictionwise in March 2009, e-books in eReader/.pdb format are also available through

4. Books on - a mixture of EPUB, Mobipocket and eReader formats.

5. - Mobipocket format (owned by Amazon).

6. Kindle Store - Kindle format only.

7. - Microsoft Reader, Mobipocket, secure EPUB formats.

8. - a list of places to find EPUB format books.

9. - a site that focuses on e-books for children.

10. Diesel ebooks - Adobe, Mobipocket, eReader, Microsoft formats.

11. eBook Store from Sony - Sony format (BBeB) for Sony Reader.

12. Penguin eBooks (U.S.) - Microsoft Reader, secure Adobe PDF and secure eReader formats.

13. Penguin eBooks (UK) - secure EPUB format.

14. WHSmith eBookShop (UK) - secure EPUB, secure Adobe PDF, secure Mobipocket, secure Microsoft Reader.

15. Waterstones (UK) - for Sony Readers, utilizes secure EPUB.

To summarize, according to this data, we can find that buying an e-book is very easy. Because now we can buy e-books either from a bookseller's or a publisher's website.



  1. Hi Nattee:

    I frequently buy e-books from They used to give great additional discounts to buyers, but when BN bought the company, the discounts stopped. The download process at is very fast and easy. One does not have to do any additional software downloads or worry about access codes. I usually download the PDF format.

    In contrast, I do not like because in order to read their e-books online you have to download their software and when that is done, there is some kind of access code that you have to enter before you can open the the e-book. It is all very frustrating.

  2. Aja!
    Thank you for your buying e-book experience. It's very useful to add this knowledge in this topic. Thanks again!

  3. Hi Nattee, Thanks for the list of sites provided. I used to download a software from Mobipocket to use in my pocketpc. It was quite OK. Not only a sofware you can also download some books from this site. It's free but you must install a licensed Mobile Windows!

  4. I never thought a lot about where I got my e-books. I would simply go whatever site is providing a link to it and use whatever format it was on. I am surprised there is so much variety and dedication to the format.

  5. Brother Thinnakorn!
    Thank you for your sharing experience. It's very useful for everyone. Thanks again!

  6. Aiabramo!
    Thanks for your comment. I'm very glad that this information is very useful for you. Thanks again!

  7. Thanks for giving all these resources on where to find ebooks!

  8. Bart!
    Thanks for your comment. I'm very glad that these resources are useful for you.
